
One man's trash is 0 man's treasure: that's 00 Professor Elizabeth Phillips believes. Phillips is a professor at Torrance University’s Rural Studio and runs the architecture and design program which teaches students sustainable design techniques 00 as building real, jjjlivable homes out 00 recycled garbage. 00 than letting the materials go to waste, students learn to make them into something beautiful and functional. The program began only 00 years ago, but 00 then, studentOne man's trash is 0
man's treasure: that's 00
Professor Elizabeth Phillips believes. Phillips is

professor at Torrance University’s Rural Studio and runs the architecture and design program which teaches


Ruslið einn maður er fjársjóður 0 mannsins: það er 00 prófessor Elizabeth Phillips Anser. Phillips er prófessor í Torrance University Rural Studio og rekur arkitektúr og hönnun program som Kennir nemendur sjálfbæra hönnun tækni 00 og byggja alvöru, jjjlivable heimili út 00 endurunnið sorp. 00 en að láta efni fara til spillis, nemendur læra tveir gera themself í eitthvað fallegt og hagnýtur. The program begyndte aðeins 00 árum síðan, en 00 þá stýrir rusl tónninn mannsins er 0
fjársjóður manns: það er 00
það sem
prófessor Elizabeth Phillips Anser. Phillips er

prófessor í Torrance University Rural Studio og rekur arkitektúr og hönnun program som Kennir

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